Source Code Tales Tamás Szelei's coding blog

Conan is not a barbarian

After reporting an issue on the siplasplas issue tracker, I came accross conan again there, because siplasplas is actively moving it dependency handling to it.

I was well aware of conan’s existence, but I haven’t used it and I was a bit sceptical after biicode died. Nevertheless, I decided to take look again and now I’m convinced that there is subtantial value in using conan. In this post I’m going to summarize my experiences with it.

These are the dependencies you are looking for

Conan offers an easy solution to installing the right dependencies, possibly along with builds while also allowing rebuilding everything. In the most basic form this is accomplished by maintaining a conanfile.txt that lists the packages to install.



Running conan install . will install the dependencies and create the integration files.


Conan is not a build system itself. C++ projects have a huge diversity in build solutions (for the better or worse). Conan respects this and offers integrations for some build systems. What does an integration do? It allows utilizing the downloaded packages easily in your build. For example, the cmake integration sets the include and library paths and provides variables from the packages.

This is an example from the conan docs:

cmake_minimum_required(VERSION 2.8.12)


add_executable(timer timer.cpp)
target_link_libraries(timer ${CONAN_LIBS})

The conanbuildinfo.cmake is what conan generates while performing conan install (because the cmake generator was added to the conanfile).

On top of that, conan can also generate easily parsable txt files, so you can get away with minimal scripting if you use a build system not yet directly supported by conan.

Packages on

While conan can be self-hosted, many projects will be interested in just using the official repository. Currently, there is a fair number of packages, but it’s easy to run into ones that are not available. I think this will change soon as more and more people are starting to use it.

They said I can be anything - so I became a package

It’s very easy to create packages from git repos, and for whatever reason I also found it quite satisfying. There is something about “making it click”.

So don’t be discouraged if you can’t find your favorite package, spend those 10 minutes on learning how to create one.

Here is one I created:

from conans import ConanFile, CMake

import os

class CMark(ConanFile):
    name = 'cmark'
    url = ''
    settings = 'os', 'compiler', 'build_type', 'arch'
    license = 'BSD2'
    version = '0.27.1'
    exports = '*'
    generators = 'cmake'

    def build(self):
        cmake = CMake(self.settings)
        os.chdir('build')'cmake {} {} -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX={}'
                            self.package_folder))'cmake --build .')'make install')

    def package(self):
        # build() also installs

    def package_info(self):
        self.cpp_info.libs = ['cmark']

I also found that you can pretty much evolve your conanfiles because as you are starting out and get a feel for packaging, copying is always a great way to reuse the accumulated wisdom from the previous ones.

Since conanfiles are python sources, there’s a great amount of freedom in generating a package and building its contents.

Sign me a river

And here is my one issue with conan that I think needs to be resolved before it can really become mainstream. Package signing. Currently, if you want to be sure that you are not integrating malicious code into your builds, you will need to

  • Check the origins of each and every single package source
  • If it’s a github fork, you need to track down if they made any changes to the upstream version
  • If they did, you need to make sure that they are benign
  • And rebuild everything from source

That is a lot of friction, to be honest. It would be great if I could import GPG keys of users that I trust, similarly to how I trust maintainers of a linux package manager. This would also help choosing the right package when there is a number of different ones are available for a dependency.

Go, try it

Reading back what I just wrote, this almost sounds like an ad for conan. I assure you, it’s not, I’m just really excited for this project. Creating packages is so easy, and with JFrog backing I’m hoping for a bright future in C++ dependency management. Go, try it.